the archive


becoming visual


do not speak for a predetermined length of time.

if possible, wear earmuffs or headphones to minimize the impact of ambient sound.


use written words when needed to communicate with others.

otherwise, go about your day as you would normally.


variation: use pictures instead of words.




avoid the lack of light


spend a minimum of 24 hours without darkness.




resist the tyranny of auto-correct.

only capitalize words

you think are important.


un-changing clothes


wear the same clothes for a week.

items can be taken off and put back on

to adjust for temperature or laundering.


a’s without q’s


anticipate a likely question

answer it without being asked




Cast a vote.


1. experience all the event scores

2. vote for 1st place

3. vote for 2nd  place

4. vote for 3rd place.

5. place ballots in this box.

6. Live. endlessly.


walk piece (untitled performance for liminal space)


seriously believe





that some day


will find

the secret of the





of ordinary



is lying

on the ground



get out of dodge.


1. realize that you are not happy/satisfied with your life.


2. decide something needs to be done, something drastic.


3. quit your job


4. throw out/give away most of your things within 48 hours.


5. fill up your vehicle with gas and drive


6. stop in a place that feels “right”


7. live a new life


..prefer the skins of things..


give away half of your possessions.

photograph anything you’re reluctant to part with.

keep the pictures instead.


repeat until they

no longer weigh you down.

New poetry s


Take a newspaper

Take a fluo marker (any colour will do)

Mark every 3rd, 5th, 14th, 25th, 53rd word on every page, counting from

top left to bottom right across the articles.

When finished,

Read out loud

Applaud yourself at the end



Drawing on the City


Fix a piece of sidewalk chalk to a found stick or dowel (approximately 36” to 48” long).


Wherever you walk drag the chalk on the ground behind you.


Trace your path on a map (analogue or digital), document this. If you have a blog, post your trace so that people might find your drawing.




household performance for colored yarn


have each person choose a different color of yarn and acquire several skeins. the yarn will be used to track their movement through the house.


have everyone spool the yarn out behind them as they go about their day, using various objects to anchor it. for example, the yarn could be tied to or wound around chairs, door knobs, faucets, or other pieces of yarn.


the performance ends when it is no longer possible to maneuver through the space without becoming entangled.


21st century fun


make up silly names for songs

ask a voice assistant to play them


Muffling walk


Spend any amount of time you wish wearing earplugs,

be sure to do this while walking from one location to another.

now listen.

Decide to make these moments matter.




poem for winter landscape


create objects resembling leaves from a material of your choice. attempt to re-leaf a small tree by tying them onto bare branches.


when you can no longer feel your fingers, choose to:


a. succeed despite the elements working against you

b. abandon your efforts, accepting all things happen when they’re meant to


inverse laundry


set up a clothesline in front of your home for hanging dirty clothes*


sprinkle with soap and wait for rain


*bonus points for arranging them in the colors of the rainbow


if real life was more like saturday morning cartoons


get every pillow in the house.

arrange them in an open space on the floor.

spend several hours lounging on top of them.

pretend you are rich and exotic.



pretend the pillows are a raft and the floor is crocoldile infested water.


owning the moon

this work must be done at night with the moon visible


seriously consider the idea that you can claim the moon as your own. believe it.


additive ritual


choose a structure you pass by frequently - a particular sign or fence or door or bench that seems relevant.


make a certain kind of mark on it whenever you pass by - a smallish something glued or tied or penned or wired.


in case of interference, adapt your process or location and repeat - the performance ends when you reach critical mass.


Allegory Map

Allegory - a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms: figurative treatment of one subject under the guise of another.

-A symbolical narrative: the allegory of Piers Plowman.



I have always been a stranger in a strange land.

Where we are right now.     Stranger than you     can even imagine


•    Use whatever materials you like as long as it leaves behind

     a visible trace.  Pencil and paper are a good way to begin

     but you can use images from the internet, magazines, paint,

     or even dirt. There are no rules to materials.

•    Begin at right Now.  Start in the center. Show us Now.

•    Now move out.  Show me Tomorrow.

•    Move back and show us Yesterday.

•    Look at Tomorrow.  Now change it and make it better.

•    Look back at Now.  Set down your materials and go.


in case of revolution


decide now what it is you live for, and what you’re willing to die for


Like a message in a bottle but only with spine transfers


1.Buy some sort of book. Anything from a novel to an atlas or high school science textbook, any kind of collection of pages of information that could be donated to a thrift store or bargain basement. In choosing a book try for something that could carry your ideas.

2.Come up with a message or poem or prose to write/transfer in the spine side of the pages.

3.Donate book(s) to local thrift store or bargain basement.




Keep your text small and discrete


Toner transfer’s legibility will hold up longer than pen or pencil and it’s easy to do.


Make a toner transfer:


1.Buy a blender marker, chartpak makes them and can be found at most art stores essentially the blender markers contain acetone, which dissolves printer toner and transfers the toner by the pressure of the marker running across the dissolved toner.


2.type your text and print it out backwards using a toner/laser printer most photo/drawing software programs will allow you to flip your type so it reads backwards.


If you can’t flip your type using a computer you can have this done on copy machines (a photocopy machine is a toner printer and works well) some have the ability to make a mirror image. most copy and print shops can do this for a tiny fee



1.Cut up your text into strips of paper

2.Tape face down on the page of your book

3.pass blender markers over the text with adequate pressure

you may need to make a couple of passes, make a proof of your text on a separate sheet of paper to test the marker out




make a soundtrack to play softly and always around you.


adjust the volume so it can be heard at the same distance that others can smell your perfume.

 trading up

take a small object that’s unlikely to be missed* from a place you often are.

repeat each time you’re there, til a satisfying number has been reached.

alter each object in some poetic way, one at a time or all at once.

return them as a group to the place where they came from.


*hint - you can’t steal it if it’s free.


allowing loiter


find a place in your city that strikes your fancy.

Make sure this location doesn’t have a sign prohibiting loitering.

spend time standing around this location, doing nothing other than soaking in the experience.


circle mile


run at least one mile in a small circle. approximately 10 feet in diameter.


this work can be done anywhere and at any time. consider running counter clockwise one time and clockwise in another. note any differences.


something shared

(to be completed with a significant other or willing creative partner)


proceed out into your city at dusk, walk your usual path. along the way spy a hidden spot amongst the surrounding urban environment. tuck your partner and yourself into your spot and kiss.


Hear the Wind Sing


Find a quiet space where you can be small. Crawl into it.

Hum or sing to yourself when nobody is listening.

Wait a while.



think about someone you’ve lost.

search for someone with the same name.

continue as if they still exist.


rooted in thought and emotion


close your eyes, take a deep breath and think about a memory or an event that brings you great sadness. allow the emotion to overcome you and when you are ready, write down your thoughts on a small piece of paper. allow your feelings to come through automatically and subtract any logic from your writings. when you are done, take the piece of paper and fold or crumple it up and place it in your left pocket. repeat the process with a memory or event that brings a smile to your face or is associated with happiness. place the second piece of paper in your right pocket.


walk outside and find a good spot to dig two small holes. in one hole place the piece of paper from your left pocket, and in the other place the piece of paper from your right pocket. cover them with a small amount of dirt then place a seed of any kind on top. place more dirt on top of the seeds, then sprinkle water over both of the holes where your words are planted. when your words spring to life notice the difference in each plant. you may choose to take care of either one or allow them to wither. continue repeating this act until every inch of ground is rooted in your thoughts and emotions.


laying low for a while


get a hold of a topographical map.


find the lowest lying area within a 83 mile radius


plan a day to go there.


once there find a flat open area and lay down for a while.


watch the world around you.


explore the places and people


return home in the evening.


trust becomes you


trade places with someone you trust for a day



cell phone

car keys


residence     and

other items as agreed upon by participants


at the end of the day

decide to:

continue where you are

return to where you were     or

be somewhere in between

untitled score


attend an event

hosted by a group you don’t

identify with.



fail at fitting in but find

joy in awkwardness.


Seismic Study

for string quartet

in a motorhome


Place your bow on the strings

as a seismograph needle.

Let yourself be carried by all

the imperfections of the road

turns and other excesses.


The sounds you play will be

the results of the trip.


suggested route: up

a pass in the mountains.


limberg kin


sit in front of the keys

write your ransom note and mean it


express your contempt and anonymous fragility

while at the end of your figurative rope


event score


start with a postage envelope

address it home

include a return address that critically considers your identity and location

step outside

pack the envelope with the following samples:

1 unit of stuff from the ground

1 unit of stuff in the air

1 strand of your own hair (if you have no hair on your head you may extract a strand from elsewhere on the body)

3 sounds, rendered as necessary


seal envelope and affix proper postage

WALK to the nearest postal box and

send it home for analysis and archive


untitled performance for typewriter















anticipatory haiku


meditate on interactions

you’re likely to have

with strangers

or acquaintances

in the near future.


encounters for which

it would be nice

to have a poem

already written

as a kind gesture.


once you’ve found

the right words

write them down

giving thought to

their aesthetic appeal.


carry them with you

like presents for

unknown recipients

for when such

situations arise.


untitled performance for facebook


create a facebook

account for an alternate

version of your self.


only friend other

artistic alter egos.

love, nima fucose




1) Imagine that your heart is a red balloon.

2) Blow that balloon until it can’t get any bigger.

3) Pop the balloon.

4) Repeat until you are dizzy.



Event Score


Take out your miscellaneous mobile device.

Set your alarm, stopwatch, app...timing tool for 3 minutes.

Walk outside.

Look up.

Look around.


When alarm sounds go back to what you were doing.


You can…

Repeat every night for 7 nights adding 1 minute each evening.

On the 8th night set no alarm.


lost and found

performance for audacity



think of a song you

associate with someone

or something you’ve lost


write your entry on

the playlist; press record to

tell us the story


file > export > todie-regretlessly



think of a song you

associate with something

or someone you’ve found


write your entry on

the playlist; press record to

tell us the story


file > export > tolive-endlessly




for one (1) day do not purchase anything

instead leave something behind at the places that you usually conduct commerce




Destroy, give away, or trade as many objects on your person as you possibly can.


Take a picture of the object. Use your device, phone, or disposable camera.


Transform your relationship to the objects you are carrying on your person.


Take a picture of your object in its new form, or with its new owner.


Send image to with the RE line Simplify.


untitled score


Take a deep breath.


Now take three more.


Open the contacts in your cell phone.


Think of someone who you do not get along with or would not normally text.


Write them a text apologizing for any frustration or negativity you may have caused them.


Close your eyes.


Let go of your fears.


Let go of your hopes.


Press send.


Open your eyes.


Repeat, indefinitely, until you understand why.


christmas event


make a birthday cake for someone you love

(even if you don’t know what day it is)




look up at stars.

think about your life so far

and the people or places or moments that matter.

find groupings of stars to represent them.

write your story in the sky.


You Make Your Own Fortune

(text from a felted fortune cookie installation)


this is only a cookie.

not a cookie,

but a facsimile of a cookie.

this is only a cookie.


this is your fortune.

this is not your fortune,

but an observation on life and death.

this is your fortune.


this is you writing your own fortune.

this is not you,

but every sentient being.

this is you writing your own fortune.


please deposit

fortunes for

sentient beings here.


run piece


1. stand at the edge of a open field.


2. ponder your life and your surroundings


3. think about the thing in your life that is most troubling.


4. dwell on this thing.


5. when you feel ready, run as fast and as far as you can.


6. stop and experience the world around you and your thoughts


7. walk back thinking about change.


untitled score for picture books (found in translation)


find a children’s book in another language

make up your own story to go with the images

find a translation, if desired, and compare


when i was eight we used to slap our faces when we made mistakes (2020)


Dislodge a long buried hand gesture from your youth. You may use photographic evidence, but it is not necessary.


Rehearse this gesture until you learn to love it.


Document it in its most minute perfection. Embarrassment is acceptable.


If the Shoe was on the Other Foot


Grab a pair of shoes.

Place the right Shoe on your left foot. Place the left Shoe on your right foot. Go about your day until you become uncomfortable or until you get tired of ugly stares.


recovered memory


think of a significant moment in your life that you don’t have a photograph of.

close your eyes and try to remember what it looked like, in as much detail as possible.

recreate its appearance for the camera, to the best of your ability.

take a picture of your recovered memory.


more familiars

to be completed by introducing yourself to people outside your inner circle. get to know them and share things about yourself




for less strangers


Untitled score


be in a vehicle driving on an road/highway you haven’t traveled before

 get to to a place where you can’t see any buildings or any signs of civilization

 pull your vehicle over and get out

 walk directly into the woods for a minimum of 100 paces to a maximum of 10000 paces

 sit down

 close your eyes and don’t open them up until you’ve made a meaningful connection with your natural surroundings

 stand up and walk back to your vehicle




make your own confetti.

 find a place close to home

 where the tall buildings are.

 find a way to the top or

 as close as you can be.

 release it into the wind.


put down roots


get a shovel and watering can

dig a small hole in the earth

step into it with bare feet

cover with dirt and then water

take in your surroundings

stay rooted as long as you can


search journal

(after chun wang’s Search Diary)


to be performed at regualr intervals before clearing your internet search history:


for each day, even the ordinary ones, write down something you searched for, as a way to document your thoughts


film vs. digital


to be performed at a gathering – where the guests may not see each other again.

set up two tripods side by side – one with a film camera, the other with a digital camera.

photograph each guest with both cameras.

at the end of the gathering, bury the exposed roll of film and the memory card – making sure to document their location.

after a set period of time, unearth them to see what remains.


pick outfits


a smartphone event for people in separate locations.

agree on a time, date, and video calling app to pick outfits. have each person view the other one’s closets and bureaus.

select an outfit from the other’s wardrobe that is closest to something you’d wear on that day.

have the other person wear the selected outfit.

repeat the process inversely.


performance for a rainy day


on a day in which there is forecast at least a 50% chance of rain:

place the largest sheet of cardboard you have on hand and a suitable writing utensil near the front door. go about your day, keeping an open window in view at all times.

at the first sign of rain, grab your materials and go just outside the front door.

write quickly on whatever comes to mind. continue without pausing until the performance has ended.


the performance ends when it:

a) stops raining

b) the cardboard runs out of space to write

c) your materials have degraded such that no further writing is possible.


document your findings.




select a soft pencil.

write a poem about

something painful

from your past.

erase words

one at a time

until the poem

is about

something else.

continue erasing

until the poem

no longer exists.




select a soft pencil.

write a poem about

something painful

over and over

on the very same line

until you find the graphite marks

are just a



score for cornel west


realize that the man next to you is your brother,

the woman beside you, your sister.

speak of them as such; say their name.


realize that the man over there is your brother,

the woman, your sister.

speak of them as such;

if you know it, say their name.


for the dead and the living


make a sandwich for someone you love


Instructions for Sound Through an Open Window (20-70db)


Place your head out an open window.

Position yourself so that your face and ears are just a bit outside.

Imagine there is someone whom you hold in high regard or care deeply for six feet away. Slowly generate a sound for that person.

Hold the sound for a breath

Slowly increase the intensity of the sound by 10 decibels.

Repeat until you feel satisfied with the volume or duration of the exchange.


a daily ritual


share your fortune.


mark of recognition


take a statistic you find troubling..


one where it doesn’t feel right for individual lives to be reduced to numbers.


make a mark to remember each one.



(After, Eric Anderson’s, Opus 13; Do and/or dont do something

universally. 1961)


Walk to a location.

Stand, sit or crouch at a chosen spot. 

Think about what it means to 

do and/or not do something universally. 

Return to the location 

on a number of occasions.

On returning, observe changes 

to the environment.


sky poem


write a poem about the sky

Viewing new.


-to be completed by two people.

•Find the darkest room available.

•Sit across from one another.

•Stare at each other until your eyes adjust to the darkness

•Record the time it took to see each other

•Repeat with another being.


to the moon and back

[to be completed on a clear night with a visible moon and plenty of spare time and restlessness]


Look to the sky.

Find the moon.

Chose any appropriate mode of transportation (car, bike, board, feet, etc.) and travel to towards the moon.

Once the moon is no longer visible, or you get sick of it,

turn back home.

Decide that this mattered more than anything.


gratitude inverter


complete the following thoughts:

i’m glad that i’m ________, ________, ________.

at least i’m not ________, ________, ________.



Sprouting for change


Walk in the woods on the 3rd week of September until you find 3 perfect acorns (mostly brown with a slight tinge of green). Bring the acorns home and store them in a dry spot at room temp.


Walk in an urban environment on the 3rd week of April until you find 3 places to plant those acorns.


Walk back to those 3 urban planting spots on the 3rd week of July and see if an oak tree has sprouted.


Cities are concrete woods; restore what was before.




Engage in a period of discovery.  Choose the length of your adventure.  Fifteen minutes, 30 mins or an hour, it’s up to you.  Set a timer on your device.  Choose a place where you feel comfortable to start!


1.  Observe yourself.  You set the pace, be curious, be attentive.  What are you feeling?  Are you warm?  Are you tense? What else do you notice?


2. Expand your focus to the area around you.  Is there a breeze?  Are there people talking?  What do you see? What do you feel under your feet? Keep exploring!


When you catch yourself thinking about stuff instead of observing, no worries!  Just repeat steps 1 & 2.   Try in a familiar place, and then some place new.  How are those experiences different? Be attentive to your surroundings, be safe!




Find or take a picture of something unappealing.


Break down that image into a certain amount of shapes.


Recreate those shapes on paper.


Rearrange the paper shapes into an appealing image.


Repeat daily for a week.


Arrange the final 7 appealing images to change your bad days/weeks/months into a story of triumph.


we fear change


consult a shaman or a trusted friend

on what you need to rid from your life


rid yourself of that or those things


go ahead, do it already



_____________________________ asked that we do this


just give me  _____________________________


why can’t we  _____________________________


it’s about time that  _____________________________


you are wrong about  _____________________________


i need to  _____________________________


please help with  _____________________________


create a time machine


find yourself in an appropriate altered state of mind

find yourself experiencing a spiraling and droning sound

notice how this sound is traveling through time

notice how it is making you feel


and you...




the maker.



(no title – index card)


Recall a negative memory.


Find an object in your surroundings that you can metaphorically link to that memory.


thank you


at a given time on a given day all participants will say the words “thank you”. they will not be said to any person, creature or object, but just aloud.


becoming free


reflect back on your life.


make a list of every time you can remember feeling:






or ashamed


noting who or what is to blame, be it:



another person,

a group of people,

an institution,

or something more abstract.


it may be a lengthy list, and that’s okay.

take as much time as you need.


forgive each one out loud, individually.


Potato Poetry


 Take a big potato and cut it in half

Carve your favourite letter in the potato

Dip the carved side of the potato in paint

Stamp letters all around you

Do this action five times

Read out loud the stamped letters

whilst turning counter clockwise


blood everywhere


- get some strawberries

  tomatos work as well


- find someone wearing “white clothes”


- start throwing the strawberries at them


have these thoughts

event scores as sequential micro experiences 


recognize the following sequences as art, as they naturally happen or have happened to accomplish the work.


ah, i don’t know.

do you think we should?

well, maybe…

but what if…


well, shit

ah, fuck



oh wow

wait a second

wow geez



you alright?


geez dude

that’s fucked


this is so nuts

i’m not thinking straight


oh shit

that’s incredible


wait, what?


that’s wild dude


here we go….


you drive me fucking crazy

let’s solve this problem


just leave   me    alone


I miss you

glad to hear it


(no title – formica tile event)


To begin, a pattern of tiles on the ground.

Every five minutes, a tile is stacked on top of the original tiles until

Either the construction topples over or the tiles run out.

If the construction topples, the participants must wait five minutes, then begin again with a new pattern.

If the tiles run out, wait five minutes, & then select a participant to topple the construction in their manner of choosing.

This continues until there are no more willing/able participants.




1. In the darkness of night, stand alone at the edge of a lake.


2. Remove your clothing, exposing your naked flesh to the warm air.


3. Wade slowly into the water until it’s cold talons kiss the skin that covers your rib cage.


4. Close your eyes & set your intention, as you would while shuffling a tarot deck.


5. Focus on the water & air that is moving around your body while breathing deeply.


6. Place your palms on the surface of the water, acknowledging the vastness that surrounds you, & vow to always follow your own beliefs, never bending to the ideologies of others.


7. Invite the air inside you with a long deep breath, & submerge yourself beneath the water. Relax your muscles, embracing the silence & allowing your body to ebb & flow with the movement of the lake.


When you break the surface, releasing the air from your lungs that traveled with you, & your bare body is engulfed by the brisk air, you will be eternally baptized, to the temple of no one but you.


breaking flawed loop logic


write a phrase that has personal meaning on a piece of paper using both hands. one hand goes right, the other goes left


try various combinations on the theme


one hand writes normally, the other writes mirrored.


one is normal, the other is flipped upside down.




practice a method until it comes naturally to you.


of mint, dill, and cumin


perform an unnecessary ritual.


one another’s burdens


select a piece of paper of an appropriate size.


write down the thing that is hurting you the most, in as much or little detail as you choose.


place it in an envelope and seal.

exchange it with someone you love who’s done the same.


carry one another’s burdens.


attention - scores for here and now (after huxley’s mynahs)


1. press your ear up to various surfaces as you go about your day. imagine the vibrations are each place’s breathing.


2. press your ear up to someone else’s heart. know their body is a machine that will one day wind down.


black friday


spend an evening without electric light.


light a candle instead for each person you’ve lost this year.


memento mori


in a home where the last inhabitant has died:


explore the house gingerly, respectfully.

take an item of no known value.

leave something behind in its place.



pretend it is the end of the world.

visually identify the items you’d take with you.

decide to leave them for other survivors.

backyard ponderings


take a picture of your backyard from where you would sit and relax.


show someone and ask for theirs.


think about how that’s a slice of earth the other generally looks at.


appreciate the differences and similarities


painting to be mailed back and forth.


begin a new work by making marks

on a piece of canvas or paper

with your choice of media

mail it to a friend

to add to and return

continue making marks

and mailing back and forth


Instructions for egrets (and other sentient beings)

Look out beyond the safety of your estuary…
Look past the boundaries that protect…
Into the sea of the unknown….
the mysterious blue sparkling and shimmering with the light of the sun.
Fly out beyond the horizon…
Look for what you hope to find.


plant friend

find a plant near your home
you would not usually notice
name the plant
take care of it
until it dies
remove it from the ground
and dry its remains
ground the dry plant
into small fragments
take the remnants of your friend
and scatter them
into a body of water or a strong wind

love the other side

 – depolarize –

realize there is another side
and the people over there are not evil
(the other side is just the other side)
they're as afraid of you as you are of them

– seek understanding –

ask a lot of questions
listen intently
withhold judgment
keep asking questions

– empathize –

learn how if you don’t know already
picture an imaginary button
push it every time you catch yourself
getting angry or bitter or mean

Un/til it is Discovered...

Gather a dozen or more stones with at least one flat side. Choose stones that are approximately the size of your hand or smaller. They should be easy to pick up.

Create a mini-poster that will fit on the flat side of the smallest stone you have gathered. Create your message/image with the intention of transforming this stone into a vehicle for kindness.

Next, choose or create a symbol the size of a postage stamp or smaller. Make enough copies of your mini-poster and stamp as you have stones.

Wheatpaste your message/image onto the flat side of the stones, and let dry. Wheatpaste your stamp/symbol onto the other side of the stones, and let dry.

Leave stones on paths, in parks or other well traveled areas with the stamp/symbol side facing up. Place the stones in a way that they are somewhat out of place, but not immediately obvious.

Document your process and invite others to do the same.

lunch meet

a smartphone event for people in separate locations.

agree on a time, date, and video calling app for the lunch meet.
have each person view the other one’s pantry and fridge.
based on the ingredients both people have in common, create a menu that is as close to identical as possible.
prepare and eat lunch together.

Goldfish for PTSD

Fill your mouth with goldfish crackers, chew but don’t swallow, create a paste against your back gums surrounding your molars.
Use your tongue to scoop the paste.
Slowly let the paste slip down the back of your throat while remembering the most horrifying detail of a past trauma. Hold it in your memory.
Once the swallow is complete feel the paste bloat your stomach, inhale, exhale and remember that that time has passed but you can always start over with fresh crunchy goldfish.

Stretch Therapy

Bend over to touch your toes, stretching as far down as you can safely. Think of an item in your life that is causing you stress. Continue to breathe deeply. With each inhale and exhale relax further into your stretch while being mindful of your reflection.

Slowly rise up and extend your hands as far to the sky as you can. Think of an item in your life that you are grateful for. This can be as simple as the fact that you probably have two feet to stand on.

Return to neutral and shake, wave, and flail your limbs around. Move every part of your body until you look ridiculous. Focus on how good it feels to awaken and activate every part of your body.

Everyday Event Score:

a. Take Accountability
b. Forgive Yourself
c. Do Better
a. Take Accountability
b. Forgive Yourself
c. Do Better
c. Do Better
c. Do Better
c. Do Better
c. Do Better

becoming someone different

analyze your daily routine
notice the repetition that occurs
make a change to one recurrence
continue changing something daily

until you become
someone different

(no title - marker on construction paper with child’s drawing on reverse)

For best results complete in running water


in times of sorrow, choose one (or both)


select a well-loved careworn garment.

find the weak spots - along a seam; places where a hole’s begun to form.

tear the garment with your hands.

wrap it around you like a shroud.


select a well-loved careworn garment.

find the weak spots - a button hanging by a thread; a fraying edge.

repair the garment with your hands.

wear it often as you mourn.







the result

is better

than what

you meant

to do.


language is a virus

identify a thought or emotion you’ve been having a lot lately.


create a short phrase to express it succinctly.


use this phrase as often as possible in conversation.


the performance ends when you hear another person you talk to use your phrase.


dream haiku

record your dreams by

placing a piece of paper

beneath your pillow


Not titled


Find a spot of sunshine

In the crevice of


Sit there for a while


family tree


have each member of your family send you a handful of earth from where they live.


make a potting mix and use it to plant a tree of your choice.


stopping light

to be completed under the cover of night. Must be completed alone


1. walk down to the road


2. turn right and walk down the middle of the road


3. once you reach the blinking stop

light stop


4. ponder your surroundings


5. ponder your life. Where it has been, where it could go


6. once you feel something, something different than you have felt before make a choice


1. go back

2. stay here

3. continue indefinitely


eye floaters


1. stare into a light for at least 30 seconds.

2. look away

3. try to catch the floating orbs of color


it takes a considerable amount of patience and focus to catch the floating orbs of color. take your time and do not try this work very often as it is damaging to your eyes


Remembrance Exchange


1.Take (1) keychain w/ ribbon on it, and (1) baggie of beads.


2. Slide (1) bead from your baggie onto the keychain ribbons.


3. Find someone else who has a keychain and bag of beads.


4. Tell this person something you want them to remember about you forever.


5. Exchange (1) of your original beads from the baggie with (1) of their original beads.


6. Slide their bead onto your keychain ribbons, then repeat what they said to you.


7. Move away from that person and find a new person with a keychain and beads.


8. Continue steps 2-7 until you have no beads left to exchange.


9. Tie ends of ribbon, sealing the beads onto your keychain.


10. Keep keychain. Indefinitely.


glanceable countdown event

to be performed in anticipation of an upcoming day you’re excited about


6. get a calendar.


5. count the number of days between now and the day you’re excited about.


4. cut as many strips of paper as there are days in between.


3. create a paper chain of interlinking loops with the strips.


2. drape the chain somewhere appropriately festive (may we suggest on a sturdy houseplant or banister.)


1. remove one link from the chain each morning after you wake up.


0. have a wonderful day!


Dragon project


As you know the dragon stamps that you have was based on the one on the window

(Which btw was drawn by me!)

Does the dragon look like the one in your head? Why and why not?


Now look at your Dragon stamp for a minute or as long as you need to . Now think of a name for it. Like name it as if it were your pet. NA   after that think of a name but different like if you se a bugh you don’t just call it a bug you’d call it a cockroach or an ant or something. What kind of dragon is this?


Draw your own dragon and list it’s personality and it’s likes and dislk es. Remember use creativity and be adventourous, after all it’s only paper.


“I Spy”

I spy something that inspires me. Looking around you for inspiration in all that you do. In hopes to always continue to find inspiration in things, people, places, colors, shapes, textures, feelings, etc when you may feel like you can’t find any inspiration.


Ex I spy a bird, and it inspires me because birds have the ability and chance to fly anywhere they choose. Then I realize I have that same ability and chance.


event time travel (option 1)


Have a device on hand to check the time.


Write down the current time.


To begin, place your right hand on the left side of your butt. Then place the left hand on the right side of your butt.


While holding your hands in place without removing them, perform four forward somersaults.


After successful completion, record the time and see how far you have traveled through time…..



(no title – handwritten)


- start doodling, anything you like


- pick a couple of them which you think they relate, share the same idea, or just pick those that you like the most.


 - start working on the rough draft


- then start working on the final image. this doesn’t have to be two dimensional, nor follow the first drawings.


- start constructing, relating, articulating your concept.



self sound device

consider performing in a silent or noisy environment


1. hold your cupped hands over your ears.

2. listen.

3. gently press your hands against your ears.

4. listen.

5. wait

6. be patient.

7. change your breathing pattern.

8. move your hands around without uncovering your ears.

9. listen.


(no title – crayon on handmade paper)

please stomp –

  l o u d l y

enjoy our hardwood

floors - right beneath

your feet


this new year

make art

and life

more alike


(no title – typewriter text)

This is a list of stuff to do to

improve the world

write anything


Erase   bullies

Erase   attachments

Erase   expectations








(no title – marker on irregular scrap of paper)

Pretend it is the Chinese New Year.

If you don’t know what’s like, then follow the curve of this text with your eyes.



Focus on a difficult memory. Choose an intimate or vulnerable action as a conduit. Engage with activity day after day, week after week, month after month. Stop when the pain subsides.


Blanket of Sun

Wait for a sunny day. Turn into a ball and cover yourself with a thin bedsheet. Close your eyes and recount fond memories of your childhood you had long forgotten. Feel the warmth on your skin.


be the most misunderstood person to ever exist

live your life as you have been and continue to be.

remember or finally realize that no one really gets you

take pride in that.