Farmhouse Art Collective invites you to: Possibilify - an Event Score Exhibition, Exchange, and Experience Event
possibilify verb - to imagine and create new experiences.
The modern day experience is a bewilderment. Any and all futures are uncertain. Let’s take a moment to explore each and all, in every single direction.
Everyone is welcome to participate - even if you don’t normally think of yourself as a creative person.
Ways to participate:
a. Send an event score* that addresses the theme to farmhouseartcollective@gmail.com.
Scores will be published on our website and in the second edition of our book These Things are Meant to Happen: A Farmhouse Art Collective Event Score Anthology. Documentation of the scores we’re able to perform will be featured on our social media.
*These are instructions for an action to be performed. When you follow the instructions, it creates an experience that is the artwork.
An example from popular culture is the kids game pretend the floor is lava. move through the room without touching the ground.
See a sample event score here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Chx9o-SMCTW/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
b. Submit an event score for our Possibilification Kit.
Each exchange kit is a compartmentalized masonite box containing the work of 18 different artists, who each contribute an event score and a small object (or objects) used in its performance. If you’re familiar with Fluxus boxes, cross them with a print exchange and you’ll have a good idea.
See a sample event score with its object here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs7jfZYtwfU/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
c. Come to the two day event August 5th and 6th in Cedar Rapids, Iowa to experience the scores.
Works may also be included in other exhibitions. Priority deadline for event score inclusion in the Possibilify exhibition, exchange, and experience event is July 30th, 2023.
Interested participating? Click here
If you have any questions, please email us @ farmhouseartcollecitve@gmail.com
How to participate in the possibilification kit:
Create an event score that utilizes an object(s) in the act of performance. The score should address the theme of exploring possibilities for the performer to encounter, create, realize, or consider or however the creator sees fit. The object accompanying the score will be needed to perform the work.
Size restrictions: the score instructions and object(s) should fit within a 3.5” x 3.5”x 2.5” area.
The score should be written or printed, or however transcribed onto a 3.5” x 3.5” piece of flat material (i.e. paper or paper adjacent)
Make 18 copies of the event score, objects included.
The cost to participate will be $33. This covers the box construction and shipping.
Shipping info will be provided when you let us know you will be participating.
The deadline to submit work for the kit has been extended as we focus on the exhibition and event. We will be in touch with updates.